A born & bred Yorkshire lass tells her family stories for a second time!
This time I talk about “farming, names, female ancestors, inheritances, local history and more with tips for making ancestors feel alive and looking for ‘ordinary’ people” plus of course the three critical river valleys of the Washburn, Nidd & Wharfe.
I was excited to take part in this one as I’ve long listened to the Journeys into Genealogy podcast – it’s well worth hearing some of the other episodes too.
Here are some of the links to the stories I talked about.
Betty Beecroft & Victorian women’s property rights.
Walter Scott – the boy who was shot by a friend.
Maria Reynard & John Scott’s photo album.
John Scott’s death on a trainline.
Jane Howson & her the story of her illigitimate child
Mary Ann Gill & her spice loaf
Elizabeth Dean & the Butterworth connection.
Martha Handley reflecting back on 90 years of life
Hannah Demaine, the woman who married twice, the second time to an older man
With much gratitude to Emma Cox for including me on her podcast (the whole of which is worth a listen to) and to Natalie Pithers who recommended me to her and who’s own podcast #twiceremoved is also brilliant.